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Shibata Yoshinobu Shoten
The Shibata Yoshinobu Shoten workshop creates mage-wappa (bent woodware) from natural cedarwood from Akita Prefecture.
Read the full storyExpertly hand-crafted mage-wappa (bent woodware) bento box made from cedar wood.
£240 per item
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Tōhoku consists of six prefectures located in the north-east of Honshu island. This region is known for its hot spring (onsen) resorts, colourful festivals, remote sacred mountains and harsh winters. In 2011, the devastating earthquake and tsunami hit the region hard; however, the massive efforts in reconstruction are proof of the people’s resilience. Urushi (lacquer) ware, ironware and the crafting of kokeshi dolls make up but a few of the local industries in this lesser-visited region of Japan.
More itemsShibata Yoshinobu Shoten, led by Shibata Yoshinobu and his son Yoshimasa, uses 200-year old natural cedar wood from Akita Prefecture to handcraft mage-wappa (bent woodware). The technique involves boiling and bending thin sheets of cedar and shaping them into circular containers such as baskets, cups, pots and bento lunch boxes. The craft has been perfected in Japan over 400 years.
More itemsThe Shibata Yoshinobu Shoten workshop creates mage-wappa (bent woodware) from natural cedarwood from Akita Prefecture.
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