

Japan is highly regarded across the world for its ceramics industry, and this range demonstrates its sheer breadth and diversity. Ceramics from Okinawa – known as yachimun - sit alongside Hasami-yaki sake bottles from Nagasaki and Arita porcelain tea cups from Saga Prefecture; each presenting a different aesthetic, yet beautiful in their unique finishes.

Ceramics product category

Porcelain Sake Cup – Chequered

磯部焼 切立ぐい吞み 市松


Chamfered Porcelain Sake Bottle – Gosu Blue

磯部焼 面取り徳利 中 呉須巻


Donburi Bowl

波佐見焼 丼鉢

£78.00 Choose options

Hasami Porcelain Soba Choko Set - Chrystanthemum and Ice Crack



Kasama-yaki Cup

笠間焼 カップ

£51.00 Choose options

Iga-yaki Cup

伊賀焼 カップ

£61.00£65.00 Choose options

Hasami Porcelain Small Plate - Chrysanthemum Flower

波佐見焼小皿 菊花文


Hasami Porcelain Small Plate - Chrysanthemum Flower

波佐見焼小皿 菊花文


Hasami Porcelain Small Plate - Karakusa

波佐見焼小皿 唐草文


Hasami Porcelain Small Plate - Karakusa

波佐見焼小皿 唐草文


Hasami Porcelain Small Plate - Ice Crack

波佐見焼小皿 氷裂文


Hasami Porcelain Tea Cup - Stone

波佐見焼ストーン カップ


Hirashimizu Ceramic Bowl


£49.00£54.00 Choose options

Earthenware Pot – Oribe



Earthenware Pot – Kayunabe



Koimari Cup

古伊万里 猪口


Koimari Plate

古伊万里 小皿
