Delivery charges
Delivery to the United Kingdom costs £5.95 for orders under £50.
Delivery to the United Kingdom is free for orders over £50.
Unfortunately we only ship to addresses in the United Kingdom at this time.
How will I know when my order has gone through?
You will receive an email acknowledging that we have received your order and notifying you of your order number.
If you do not receive a confirmation email after placing an order, please contact our customer service team for further assistance by emailing
How long will my order take to arrive?
If you place your order by 15:00 GMT on Monday-Friday, we will dispatch the order the next day.
Orders received after 15:00 GMT on Friday or over the weekend will be dispatched on Monday.
Once your order has been dispatched you will receive a confirmation email from us.
Delivery times can vary depending on the delivery location, but orders will usually arrive the day after being dispatched. You will receive an email from our courier, confirming an estimated time of arrival.
How can I track my order?
Within your confirmation email you will receive a tracking link so you can see where your package is throughout its journey. You can also provide any specific instructions for when the delivery is planned to arrive (eg ‘Please leave it with a neighbour’).