The story...
Although washi has been made throughout Japan for centuries, there are certain production centres famous for quality – including Echizen, Mino, Sekishu, Tosa, and Inshu – that continue to make washi today.
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The central Chūbu region is predominantly mountainous, home to the rugged Japan Alps with coasts on both the Sea of Japan and the Pacific Ocean. The region's history has been shaped by its strategic position between the great cities of Kyoto and Tokyo with Nagoya at its heart. Niigata lies to the north while Mt Fuji can be found in the south in Shizuoka Prefecture.
More itemsYanase Washi is located in Echizen, Fukui Prefecture, a city with a rich history of washi (Japanese paper) making spanning more than 1500 years. The company produces washi panels, book covers, calendars and handcrafted washi boxes using Tanezuki and Nagashizuki washi-making techniques.
More itemsAlthough washi has been made throughout Japan for centuries, there are certain production centres famous for quality – including Echizen, Mino, Sekishu, Tosa, and Inshu – that continue to make washi today.
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