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Metalworking in Tsubame-Sanjo
Tsubame-Sanjo, an area in Niigata Prefecture, is known for its numerous small metalworking workshops and skilled craftspeople.
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The central Chūbu region is predominantly mountainous, home to the rugged Japan Alps with coasts on both the Sea of Japan and the Pacific Ocean. The region's history has been shaped by its strategic position between the great cities of Kyoto and Tokyo with Nagoya at its heart. Niigata lies to the north while Mt Fuji can be found in the south in Shizuoka Prefecture.
More itemsUnder the Fuji Royal brand, Fuji Kouki Inc. (est. 1955), Japan’s largest coffee machine manufacturer, produces meticulously assembled, durable coffee equipment. The Fuji Royal NELCCO Nel Brewer is skilfully crafted in Tsubame-Sanjō, an area famed for metalworking in Niigata Prefecture. It is a flannel drip coffee brewer which uses the pour-over method and filters coffee through a cotton flannel filter (from which its name derives) allowing users to enjoy a smooth, rich and less acidic coffee.
More itemsTsubame-Sanjo, an area in Niigata Prefecture, is known for its numerous small metalworking workshops and skilled craftspeople.
Read the full storyBiology of Metal, held at Japan House in autumn 2018, told the story of how craftsmanship and small industry are embedded in tradition, embrace the new and adapt in a changing society. It shone a spotlight on the metalworking factories and workshops in Tsubame-Sanjo in Niigata Prefecture and the skills of its craftspeople.
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