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Washoku, which translates to ‘Japanese cuisine’, is a culinary culture, recognised by UNESCO, and handed down from generation to generation.
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This is Japan’s south-west region including the island of Kyūshū and the sub-tropical island chain of Okinawa. Kyūshū was an early centre of Japanese civilization, and offers many historic treasures, modern cities and volcanic natural beauty. It is home to the ports of Kagoshima, Nagasaki and Fukuoka, the porcelain manufacturing centre in Arita and the Tanegashima Space Center launch site.
More itemsEstablished in 1951, Hakusan Porcelain produces internationally acclaimed porcelain in the small town of Hasami, Nagasaki Prefecture. The particular style of porcelain from this area - known as Hasami ware - has been produced there for over 400 years. Hakusan’s plates, cups and other ceramics are made to be used in everyday life and are lauded for their high-quality finishing touches, the result of skilled craftmanship.
More itemsWashoku, which translates to ‘Japanese cuisine’, is a culinary culture, recognised by UNESCO, and handed down from generation to generation.
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