The story...
Washoku, which translates to ‘Japanese cuisine’, is a culinary culture, recognised by UNESCO, and handed down from generation to generation.
Read the full storyStainless steel tongs with narrow tips that are perfect for picking up and placing delicate foods.
£35 per item
The central Chūbu region is predominantly mountainous, home to the rugged Japan Alps with coasts on both the Sea of Japan and the Pacific Ocean. The region's history has been shaped by its strategic position between the great cities of Kyoto and Tokyo with Nagoya at its heart. Niigata lies to the north while Mt Fuji can be found in the south in Shizuoka Prefecture.
More itemsThe theme 'EAT + COOKING' inspired the brand EATCO by YOSHIKAWA Co. The products are designed to make cooking more seamless and eating more enriched. The elegant stainless steel products add a refined beauty to your kitchen. The designs were produced by h concept.
More itemsWashoku, which translates to ‘Japanese cuisine’, is a culinary culture, recognised by UNESCO, and handed down from generation to generation.
Read the full story