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Shotoku Glass
With a long and rich experience in mouth-blown glass, Shotoku Glass originally started as light bulb makers and now apply this craftsmanship in the manufacture of ultra-thin glassware.
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The Kantō region is densely populated and home to a third of the country's population. It is centred around the nation's vibrant capital – Tokyo, formerly known as Edo, which has been the cultural, economic and political heart of Japan for centuries. Outside this megacity, there are mountains, onsen and ski resorts, magnificent temple complexes and excellent surfing opportunities within easy reach.
More itemsShōtoku Glass was founded in Tokyo in 1922 as a manufacturer of mouth-blown glass light bulbs. Now, the company applies their craftsmanship to producing ultra-thin table glassware. It is said that the fine and delicate Shōtoku drinking glasses make you feel as though you are holding the liquid itself.
More itemsWith a long and rich experience in mouth-blown glass, Shotoku Glass originally started as light bulb makers and now apply this craftsmanship in the manufacture of ultra-thin glassware.
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