The story...
Yanagi Sōri
This cutlery series first went on sale in 1974, the first item in Yanagi’s kitchenware series commissioned by the Sato Shoji corporation.
Read the full story£38 per item
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The central Chūbu region is predominantly mountainous, home to the rugged Japan Alps with coasts on both the Sea of Japan and the Pacific Ocean. The region's history has been shaped by its strategic position between the great cities of Kyoto and Tokyo with Nagoya at its heart. Niigata lies to the north while Mt Fuji can be found in the south in Shizuoka Prefecture.
More itemsThis cutlery series first went on sale in 1974, the first item in Yanagi’s kitchenware series commissioned by the Sato Shoji corporation.
Read the full storyDesign Discoveries is a conversation between Japan’s leading creators, sharing inspirational designs that span disciplines, regions and eras, to explore the possibilities of what a dedicated national museum for design might be. The exhibition brings together seven major designers, from filmmakers to architects, to consider what they would include in a permanent collection of design treasures.
To accompany the exhibition, discover a collection of publications on design philosophies, comprehensive monographs and contemporary pieces of work from the seven designers.
Browse items from this exhibitionTo accompany the exhibition, discover a collection of publications on design philosophies, comprehensive monographs and contemporary pieces of work from the seven designers.